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Partner with us

Help create better end-of-life experiences for people in your community.

Our partners

Become a HELP partner and make a valuable contribution to palliative and end-of-life care in your community.

HELP partners with sectors, organisations, services, communities and individuals.

We identify and mobilise contributions for providing support to Australians nearing the end of their lives – and improve their care outcomes.

Combining top-down and bottom-up approaches, we work with our partners to build capacity around dying, death and bereavement. By pairing your organisational data with community data (collected via the HELP app), HELP lets you demonstrate the impact of your work.

By employing a ‘use what’s in the pantry’ approach, HELP harnesses existing skills, strengths, resources, networks and policies. The goal? To reorient national, state, regional and local assets to participate in end-of-life care – in their own unique way.

The amount of partners is, therefore, limitless. Partners can be any person and any organisation – from private individuals to government, and everyone in between.

Stories from HELP research

Now, when I think of how much time I spent vacuuming and cleaning so the house was clean for the palliative care nurses, I regret it. I could have spent more time with Mick. I don’t want other people to do what I did


Mother, father and daughter playing on the sofa
Help Education and training

As a HELP partner, you’ll have access to our full education and training program.

This will empower you to implement the HELP framework for your own project.

Thank you to our partners

Program Partners

State government and philanthropic funds support HELP’s development and operation.

Victoria State Government - Department of Health
The Wicking Symposium
Palliative Care Australia
Father and daughter drawing
Using the HELP framework

As a HELP partner, data will be systematically collected on your behalf via the HELP App.

By integrating your organisational data with that from the community, the HELP App lets you demonstrate your impact.

Start making a difference

Register your interest in becoming a HELP Partner

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Evaluation and research

Learn more about the work we’ve been doing with our partners.

And how we can help you demonstrate your impact.

Offer and Provide Help

Contact Us

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